Tuesday 15 May 2018

Why the ‘introverts v extroverts’ battle helps neither side

an article by Rachel England published in the Guardian

A confident young woman dancing on a city street
The idea of extroverts all being outgoing, attention-seeking, confident, noisy types is both inaccurate and really unhelpful. Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo

When Carl Jung first introduced the concepts of as human personality traits back in the 1920s, he probably never thought that nearly 100 years later his theory would form the basis of a very quiet – but nonetheless persistent – battle of wills.

Type “being an introvert/extrovert” into Google and you get a plethora of emotive and divisive article headlines: listicles, op-eds, motivational blog posts – even scientific – all waxing lyrical about the benefits or downfalls of being one or the other. It’s true that Jung’s theories are pretty old by now and , but they’re essentially the basis around which this introvert v extrovert narrative has formed.

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