Saturday 19 May 2018

Living with Panic Disorder: A Therapist’s Perspective

a post by Julie Galiñanes for the World of Psychology blog

Picture this, you are driving on the highway and your hands begin to sweat, your heart begins to race. Your feet become numb and you can’t feel the brakes. You feel like you are losing control and do not feel yourself. You think you are having a heart attack. Although you may be experiencing many of the physical symptoms of a heart attack, in actuality, what you are experiencing is a panic attack.

Panic attacks are intense and plain dreadful; and they can strike when you least expect it. Their exact cause is unknown, but we do know that they are typically hereditary. So, if say your mother, father, aunt, uncle or grandparents have suffered from them, chances are you will too.

Oftentimes panic attacks can also be triggered by a painful event or major life event or stressor in your life, such as marriage, the birth of a baby, divorce, or death. Panic attacks are very possibly the body’s attempt to process the powerful feelings of loss, grief, or challenging event you have experienced.

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