Sunday 18 February 2018

7 Tips to Control Anger

a post for Adventures in Mind, Body & Soul with April Wright [via World of Psychology]

anger, hostility, fury, tantrum, annoyance, violence, rage

Anger can range from mild irritation to out-of-control rage.

When anger is managed well, it can provide a healthy release, a motivator for change, or a self-empowering strategy. Anger also is a protectant from underlying feelings of pain, fear, guilt, or shame. It is a normal human response, an indicator of hurt, and promoter of transformation.

When anger reaches an elevated state, the pre-frontal cortex, the thinking part of the brain is hijacked by the amygdala, the emotional, instinctual part of the brain that induces the fight-flight-freeze response. New information can no longer be received and defenses rise, demands persist, criticism overtakes, or vented venom leads to violence. It is at times when anger reaches an uncontrolled state of mind that a deliberate plan of action must take place.

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