Sunday, 11 February 2018

The internal economics of a popular Minecraft server are an object lesson in everything great and terrible about markets

a post by Cory Doctorow for the Boing Boing blog

Alice Maz was part of a small group of players who came to have near-total mastery over the internal economy of a popular Minecraft; Maz describes how her early fascination with the mechanics of complex multiplayer games carried over into an interest in economics and games, and that let her become a virtuoso player, and brilliant thinker, about games and economics.

Maz's long, fascinating essay about her business ventures in Minecraft are a potted lesson in economics, one that shows where financial engineering actually does something useful (providing liquidity, matching supply and demand) and the places where it becomes nothing more than a predatory drag on the "real economy" of people making amazing things in Minecraft.

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