Friday 9 November 2018

When You Can’t Stop Seeing the Negative in Everything—Even Though You’re Grateful

a post by Margarita Tartakovsky for the World of Psychology blog

You wake up and instantly think about everything that needs to get done. You walk into your kitchen, and see only what’s out of place. You believe you can always do more, and so can your family.

You hyper-focus on unchecked tasks, problems, flaws, mistakes, rainy days, dust and dirt. You can’t help but be negative, and many times you don’t even notice it. You don’t even realize you’re doing it. You’re grateful for what you do have—like your loved ones and your life—but you just can’t seem to climb out of that negative mindset.

Some of us develop a negative outlook because of our upbringing. As psychotherapist Liz Morrison, LCSW, pointed out, “If parents seem to see the glass half empty as opposed to the glass half full, negativity can become a learned behavior for anyone living in the household.”

If your mom saw a disgusting mess rather than remnants from a sweet get-together, today you might, too. If your dad fixated on your only B (among all A’s), then you might let a small, shaky part of a performance color the entire thing.

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