Thursday 22 November 2018

Research Links Sleep Deprivation to Risky Behaviors in Teens

a post by Tyler Jacobson for the World of Psychology blog

It’s a battle that goes on in most households nearly every morning—the alarm goes off, and teens struggle to get out of bed while harried parents try to hurry them along. We are just glad to get them out of the door and on their way to school, never giving more than a passing thought to their sleep deprivation. But maybe we should. New research now shows that sleep-deprived teens are more prone to risky behaviors than their peers who get a full night’s rest.

When considering factors that contribute to teen drug use, drinking, and other risky behavior, few parents, if any, suspect that sleep deprivation has anything to do with it. Sure, we might notice that our teens sleep longer or go to bed later than we’d like but that’s as far as we get.

Continue reading and discover some statistics that you may not want to read about if you are the responsible adult in the life of a teenager.

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