Tuesday 3 April 2018

7 Ways to Stop Time

a post by Margarita Tartakovsky for the World of Psychology blog

Many of us have an iffy relationship with time. Largely, we resent it. Because when we’d rather time slow down, it seems to, almost on purpose, sprint and slip away from us. This is why many of us find ourselves desperately trying to outwit time.

We invent and employ strategies to perform tasks faster. We sample all sorts of productivity tips and tricks – even when it comes to books. One entrepreneur swears by his “ultra-hardcore” reading, which looks like: reading while brushing his teeth, getting dressed and crossing rooms in his home. He also listens to audiobooks at three times the normal speed.

We try to shave off seconds, so we can have more minutes. And yet we still feel starved. We still lie in bed at night thinking about everything we didn’t get to.

But there are ways we can stop time. These strategies have nothing to do with working faster or slashing our to-do lists or inboxes—or turning to any other efficiency tips. It has to do with changing our relationship to time and actually slowing down (often the opposite of what we think we should be doing) and savoring.

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