Tuesday 6 March 2018

Why Won't Anxiety Go Away?

a post by Annabella Hagen for the World of Psychology blog

If you were walking through the woods and noticed a bear walking towards you, you would probably either run for your life or be so scared that you freeze. On the other hand, if your friends told you to watch out for a person dressed as a bear scaring people in the woods, you might initially get startled but would otherwise remember it was just a person. This heads up would make all the difference in your reaction.

Life is like a walk through the woods. We know that anxiety is going to manifest itself because it is a part of life. At one time or another, all of us will experience mild or severe anxiety. But what happens when anxiety shows up? Many individuals report that they hate it. They wish they could send anxiety to another galaxy. They try many strategies to get rid of it, or to at least manage it.

Yet, no matter what they do, anxiety keeps appearing and surprising them. Why won’t it simply go away? Here are some answers.

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