Saturday 2 December 2017

Technology for Addiction Treatment and Recovery

a post by Renée Fabian for the World of Psychology blog

Text based recovery options might be a solid supplemental option for addiction recovery.

“Terence…understands the many variables of addiction and applies them to his feedback,” writes A.N. “He’s been an invaluable part of my recovery process.”

While this type of therapist review may not be unusual, this one is unique because it comes from a user of the text-based online therapy provider, BetterHelp.

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Personally I have not tried text-based support for addiction or, indeed, anything else but it would seem to me that this, and services like it, is worth a try.

My only caveat is that anything which involves technology is likely to exclude many who actively need the help. No fixed abode means no phone contract which means costly text services in many instances.

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