Tuesday 19 December 2017

5 Free Sites for Instant Stress Relief and Anxiety Management

a post by Mihir Patkar for the MakeUseOf blog

The feeling of stress can sometimes be overwhelming or even paralyzing. And the common advice of “push through it” isn’t always healthy. It might be better to go for some instant stress relief instead, with the help of one of these sites.

As with any such issue, we recommend you see a medical professional if you think it’s serious. With this, it’s best to figure out how stressed you are and take action accordingly.

All the sites listed here are completely free and offer different types of tools to help you calm your mind and take the next step.

Continue reading BUT, as always with these recommendations, do not assume that all of them will work for you, or even that any of them will. For example, I prefer my simple card with the Square Breathing technique printed on it to any app you could offer me.

Image result for image: square breathing

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