Friday 1 March 2019

The doctor who prescribed the meaning of life to his patients

a post by Scotty Hendricks for the Big Think blog

Anxious? Dr. Frankl suggested you take a different view of things.

  • Not having a meaningful life can be dreadful, and one psychologist thought it was the root cause of many neuroses.
  • His ideas became Logotherapy, which focuses on the need for a meaningful life and has shown success in many areas.
  • Many studies agree that leading a meaningful life has tangible benefits and lacking meaning can lead to problems.

Many people struggle with the question of what the meaning of life their life is. The dread that can accompany meaninglessness is well known, but where to turn when you can't find purpose often remains obscure.

Then, there is Viktor Frankl, and his school of psychology based around finding the meaning of your life.

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