Friday 22 March 2019

A Panic Attack, the Wrestle Within

a post by Annabella Hagen for the World of Psychology blog

Samantha felt overwhelmed by her school assignments, her relationships, and her job. She often felt like she was walking a tightrope while holding a pole that contained all of her “should” and “must” type of thoughts. “It’s not a matter of if, but when I’ll fall and crash!” she’d repeat.

She would imagine placing her thoughts and feelings in a bottle and shutting the lid tightly. “I place them there so I can cope,” she would declare.

She recognized her panic attack cycle: stress, anxiety, tension build up, and suppress until it shatters. Then starting all over again. She hated her panic attacks, but said she always felt better after experiencing one.

  • Do Samantha’s struggles sound familiar?
  • Do you wish you could extinguish anxiety from your life?#
  • Do you believe you can “control” what happens in your body?
  • Is suppressing, stopping, ignoring, or fighting your emotions and sensations giving you temporary relief but not the long-lasting results you want?

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