Friday 15 March 2019

Alan Watts and the art of meditation

a post by Mike Colagrossi for the Big Think blog

Forget everything you think you know about meditation.

  • Alan Watts cuts to the root of what meditation really is all about.
  • Meditative practice has no motive, except to experience the present moment.
  • Practice a guided meditation by focusing on the now.

Meditation has left the ashrams and become a fixture in the boardroom and livings rooms everywhere. The corporate analysts and Silicon Valley-types scramble for their next hit of improvement. Spiritual posturing and enlightened one-uppers fill our social feeds and make it seem like meditative bliss is just a hashtag away. Unfortunately as spiritual practices enter into the wide marketplace of ideas, there is a tendency for them to be degraded and repackaged into self-improvement drivel and self-serving nonsense.

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Hazel’s comment:
I would not normally ask you to continue reading an item which contains grammatical errors (yes, I am pedantic about using what I view as correct punctuation and word usage). However, in this case, where tenant (someone who holds land or property by right or title) was substituted for tenet (a principle, belief or doctrine), I believe that what has been written is more important than my quibbles.
Do not get caught in the advertising!

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