Thursday 28 March 2019

Learn How to Resolve and Release Emotional Pain

a post by Jill Leigh for the World of Psychology blog

How can empathetic people let loose the burden of other people’s emotions?

When your body has disease, illness or painful conditions, suppressed (somatized) emotion can exacerbate symptoms and escalate deterioration or decline. In my last article, I shared a practice for identifying and acknowledging emotional energy to avoid suppressing it into the energy system of the physical body.

Validating and embracing emotions that you may have been taught are unacceptable or inappropriate for you, and taking ownership for clearing and releasing the energetic backlog empowers you to experience your life more wholly and holistically.

Your emotions offer context and meaning for your in-the-moment experience; allowing them to inform you minimizes the derailment or inhibition of your conscious awareness.

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