Monday 28 January 2019

The "reverse supply chain": vast warehouses of deeply discounted, returned goods

a post by Cory Doctorow for the Boing Boing blog

When you return your unwanted Amazon purchases, they end up with discounters who sell them by the palletload at pennies on the dollar, and millions of "reverse supply chain" specialists bid on these pallets of miscellania, sort the usable from the useless, repackage it, and make it available for sale again.

The largest of these companies is Liquidity Services/, with 3.35 million registered users. Some of these are bargain hunters, but others are resellers hope to pan gold from the river of rejected trash and put it back on sale.

Predictably, there's a get-rich-quick cult that has sprung up around liquidation resellers, with a whole supply chain (geddit?) of hustlers who will sell you lessons on how to achieve financial independence through canny liquidation arbitrage.

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