Friday 18 January 2019

Can Social Workers Fight for Social Justice?

a post by Career Geek for his/her blog

Social workers are the ultimate altruistic professionals. They work long hours for little pay with the goal of making other people’s lives better. Studies on American society have found that at least one in 10 Americans rely heavily on social workers, making their efforts essential to the success of America as a whole.

Inherently, social workers work for social justice; they are devoting their lives to improving others’. However, many social workers want to do more to change the system that disadvantages not only social workers but also their clients. In short, some social workers want to become social justice warriors.

Unfortunately, many social workers are employed by the government, and thus, they feel uncomfortable (or in some states are directly prohibited from) speaking directly about their interest in perpetuating social change.

Continue reading [noting that the suggestions are aimed towards social workers in the USA]

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