Saturday, 3 March 2018

Problem-based learning: a non-mainstream way to teach economics

an article by Finn Olesen and Mogens Ove Madsen (Aalborg University, Aalborg Oest, Denmark) published in International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education Volume 8 Issue 3 (2017)


For several decades teaching in economics has been characterised by uniformity: most economics departments focus exclusively on mainstream economics leaving little room for systematically addressing real-life phenomena. However, due to the severe financial crisis many economists have become critical of modern mainstream macroeconomics.

Surprisingly enough, though, economics pedagogy has not changed significantly.

Economics is, in general, still dominated by the mainstream, although some universities have emphasised progressive teaching methods. As a case study, we discuss how we teach economics at the Aalborg University, Denmark.

We teach economics pluralistically, incorporating both orthodoxy and a range of heterodox approaches to address issues in economics. Our pedagogy has a post-Keynesian flavour while emphasising problem-based learning.

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