Tuesday 9 October 2018

Taking Care of Your Mental Health at Work

a post by John M. Grohol for the World of Psychology blog

Taking Care of Your Mental Health at Work

Given how much time people spend at work (usually about half our waking hours during the week), we probably should be thinking and talking more about mental health at work. Few small to medium-sized companies pay much attention to this topic, feeling that employees should just come to work, do their jobs, and be easy to work with.

Usually the reality is much different.

That’s why it’s great to see Britain’s Prince William addressing this issue head-on with a new website in the U.K., Mental Health at Work, that acts as a clearinghouse to better understand mental health at work. It’s a great effort and one I’m happy to highlight today.

Earlier this month, the U.K. charity Mind released the results of its workplace survey finding that half of workers have experienced a mental health problem in their current job. That’s an eye-opening statistic and should be cause for concern by most employers.

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