Thursday 11 October 2018

Bioremediation: using microorganisms to clean up the environment

a post by Lidiya Angelova for the OUP (Oxford University Press) blog)

Earth sustainability by Ann Ca. CC0 via Pixabay.

Microorganisms are known for their ability to adapt to any environment. We can find them in the most hazardous places on Earth. Their invisible work has led to visible results ― terraforming the planet billions of years ago and converting it into the viable green world that is today. Their ability to utilize and adapt to any available substrate in order to gain energy kept the balance in the ecosystem until humans become dominant species. Since the industrial revolution, human activity has produced a broad range of novel substances to which microorganisms can naturally adapt. The problem is that biodegradation can’t keep pace with the amount of substances being produced. Thankfully modern science offers a technology which employs microorganisms’ adaptability. It is called bioremediation

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