Friday 20 October 2017

How to Make Anxiety A Lot Less Painful

a post by Lauren Madden for the Tiny Buddha blog

“You are not a mess. You are a feeling person in a messy world.” Glennon Doyle Melton

Anxiety can be hardwired and genetic. It can be passed down from generation to generation. It can be a result of trauma and high-stress scenarios, including divorce, moving, and death. These things are out of our control, and can be really challenging to work through.

But, anxiety can also come as a result of certain behaviors, lifestyle choices, and beliefs that you have about yourself and the world. And that, my friend, is always within your control.

I want to challenge the way you’re thinking about anxiety. Take a moment to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors are leading to my anxiety?
  • How can I address these behaviors and change the beliefs, thoughts, or emotions that create the anxiety to begin with?

I used to have really extreme experiences with anxiety. I would wake up feeling this pit in my stomach, like something really terrible was about to happen at any moment. Except… everything was fine.

I had a good job, I was making a decent amount of money, I had a nice apartment, I was in a seemingly good relationship, and it seemed like everything was working out in my favor.

On the outside, I seemed fine, but on the inside, I was dreading getting out of bed in the morning. Sometimes I literally couldn’t get out of bed in the morning. I would call my manager and tell her I was having a rough start to the day (again) and would be in as soon as I was “back to normal.”

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