Monday 23 September 2019

When You Start Thinking That You’re Not Good Enough…

a post by Anna Simpson for the Tiny Buddha blog

“You are strong when you know your weaknesses. You are beautiful when you appreciate your flaws. You are wise when you learn from your mistakes.” ~Unknown

The most annoying thing for me is to hear someone tell me, “Just stop it!” whenever I am frustrated or discouraged and looking for answers and solutions.

When you’re anxious, and someone tells you, “Stop worrying, it will all be fine…” these words only add fuel to the fire and often make you angry. At least this is true for me.

It reminds me of a funny video I watched about a “unique” therapeutic approach, when a therapist just tells a patient, after listening to their problems with deep emotional issues, “STOP IT!”

“But I can’t just stop it,” the patient responds. “This issue has been within me since childhood, and my mom used to do the same.”

But the therapist just calmly responds, “We don’t go there. Just stop it.”

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