Friday 27 September 2019

Are clinical delusions adaptive?

an article by Eugenia Lancellotta and Lisa Bortolotti (University of Birmingham, UK) published in WIREs Cognitive Science Volume 10 Issue 5 (September/October 2019)


Delusions are symptoms of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and dementia. By and large, delusions are characterized by their behavioral manifestations and defined as irrational beliefs that compromise good functioning.

In this overview paper, we ask whether delusions can be adaptive notwithstanding their negative features. Can they be a response to a crisis rather than the source of the crisis? Can they be the beginning of a solution rather than the problem?

Some of the psychological, psychiatric, and philosophical literature has recently suggested that they can. We consider different types of delusions and different ways in which they can be considered as adaptive: psychologically (e.g., by increasing wellbeing, purpose in life, intrapsychic coherence, or good functioning) and biologically (e.g., by enhancing genetic fitness).

Although further research is needed to map the costs and benefits of adopting and maintaining delusional beliefs, a more nuanced picture of the role of delusions in people's lives has started to emerge.

Visual abstract
Delusions are considered to be the mark of madness in popular culture and one of the most severe symptoms of mental distress in clinical practice. In this overview, we acknowledge their adverse effects and raise the question whether they can ever be psychologically or biologically adaptive.


Full text (PDF 25pp)

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