Friday 13 September 2019

15 Simple Habits to Boost Your Emotional Health

a post by Aleksandra Slijepcevic for the Lifehack blog

Our emotional health can be defined in many ways, and because it is subjective and specific to each person, one simple definition doesn’t always cut it. However, we can begin to understand emotional health as it relates to our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and how we’re able to best control these when they no longer serve us efficiently.

According to Dan Eisenberg, sports psychologist at, nearly 18% of the US population experiences an emotional health issue. Emotional health, when left unchecked, manifests in the physical body in the forms of muscle tension, fatigue, and dis-ease. When we’re facing stress, sadness, or anger, embracing habits that teach us how to cope with these emotions and the thoughts that accompany them can be powerfully effective in keeping our entire being strong, happy, and healthy.

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Hazel’s comment:
This is definitely a “take what you like and leave the rest” list but I hope that everyone reading it can find something that helps them. It may not be something new but a reinforcement of something you already do, or maybe you did but have lapsed.
Reminder to self: get back to your chair yoga sessions.

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