Tuesday 16 April 2019

The 10 Warning Signs of Having a Victim Mentality

a post by Nancy Carbone for YourTango.com [via World of Psychology]

When you feel like a victim, you’ll end up stuck.

It can be depressing to be around someone who is always negative and constantly complains about everything.

Someone with a victim mentality and negativity bias usually finds things wrong with their life or feel that they do not deserve the good things in life. Thus, their life goes nowhere.

In order to detect if someone is playing the victim, they usually look at the glass half empty as a reflection for what is really going on deep down inside, within themselves.

Sometimes, even when you offer them some hope, they can make you feel like you do not understand them, so they will complain more to show you how miserable they are. If you offer a solution, they will give you another problem to that solution to make excuses for why nothing will work out.

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Hazel’s comment:
I have a friend who often says “oh, but I couldn’t do that”.
Whilst I know that she has a lot of problems with physical health I do have to psych myself up before meeting with her.

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