Monday 29 April 2019

25 Quotes to Foster Emotional Resilience

a post by Therese J Borchard for the World of Psychology blog

“I ask not for a lighter burden, but broader shoulders,” says a Jewish proverb. That is the essence of emotional resilience … broader shoulders. We can’t control what illness we are diagnosed with, what tragedies come our way, or how many disappointments we will run into in our day.

However, we can control how we face adversity of all kind: the big whoppers that feel as though they are sealing our fate and that we will never ever breathe fresh air again, and the inconveniences and frustrations that can easily put us in a bad mood every day.

Here are some pieces of wisdom from sage philosophers, authors, and shrewd people from different time periods on how to handle difficulty with grace, to recognize specks of light in the dark, and to develop the emotional resilience that will make for broad shoulders.

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Hazel’s comment:
Not all of the 25 quotes will be relevant today, some may be relevant to you always and some never.
Take what you need and leave the rest.

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