Tuesday 30 April 2019

Deep learning can help us eradicate suicide – but only if we let it

a post by Tristan Greene published in Artificial Intelligence [grateful thanks to ResearchBuzz: Firehose for this item]

machine learning

Humanity’s mental health crisis has reached pandemic proportions. Bluntly put: we don’t seem capable of solving the problem on our own. Cutting edge AI research shows a clear path forward, but society as a whole will have to accept the fact that mental health is real in order for us to take the first steps.

Machine learning researchers in academia, government, and industry are all scrambling to adapt and apply modern artificial intelligence techniques – deep learning in particular – to the suicide problem. The big idea seems to be that AI can act as a sort of early detection system for mental health distress by identifying and monitoring specific markers that indicate suicidal behavior.

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NOTE: This is based on research in the USA and the contact numbers given at the end of the article are for US residents.
Samaritans in the UK can be reached on 116 113 (free from landlines and mobiles 24/7).

NOTE 2: Nothing will replace human face-to-face interaction but it certainly appears that this research has identified means by which that intervention can happen for people who were not thought to be at risk.

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