Wednesday 5 December 2018

How to Reduce Mental Clutter That's Keeping You Stuck

a post by Margarita Tartakovsky for the World of Psychology blog

Do these statements sound all-too familiar?

I’m too old for that. I’ve never been good at that. I don’t have the time. I just can’t do it.

They may sound all-too familiar because these kinds of sentences run through your mind any time you want to try something new, any time you have a goal, any time you want to make a change.

Any time, there’s an inkling of “I’d like to try that,” a similar soul-crushing thought pops up, and stomps on your desire before it ever takes flight.

You think you’re simply being rational or realistic. You’re just being sensible and pragmatic—like any responsible, reasonable adult.

But really, you’re keeping yourself stuck. But really, you’re silencing yourself. And there’s no good reason to do that.

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