Wednesday 12 December 2018

How I Healed from an Eating Disorder and Stopped Hating Myself and My Body

a post by Roni Davis for the Tiny Buddha blog
Please remember that this is one person’s story. Her road may not be the one you can follow.

I remember looking at the nutrition information on the bag of jujubes I had just eaten and feeling utterly and completely disgusted with myself.

That was my first binge. Little did I know how much worse it would get.

It was four days in to the first official diet that I had somehow managed to stay on for more than one day.

I had dieted on and off most of my life, but any time I tried a diet that told me what I was and wasn’t allowed to eat (Atkins was the first of many), I never managed to last longer than a day or two before I’d “blow it” and give up.

Prior to the day of my first binge, I had actually lost a lot of weight on my own, simply by counting calories, but I hired a trainer because, while I reached my goal weight on my own, I still hated my body and wasn’t happy.

So, I did the only thing I knew to do at the time—pay someone else to tell me what to eat so I could have a perfect body and finally be happy.


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