Wednesday 26 September 2018

Understanding What Your Emotions Are Trying to Tell You

a post by Margarita Tartakovsky for the World of Psychology blog

Understanding our emotions is vital. For starters, as therapist Rachael Morgan said, our emotions aren’t going anywhere – and that’s a good thing. “Being human and having emotions is a package deal. And thank god! Would we really want to be robots, or efficient, non-feeling machines?”

She noted that our emotions are a gift, because they tell us how we’re doing. They give us information to protect us from harm. For instance, anger tells Morgan to pay attention to where she’s surrendering her power and withholding her truth. It encourages her to be assertive, to speak up and to advocate for herself.

“Knowing more about my emotions leads me to recognize that I can commit to caring for myself – and ultimately others – better, making choices informed by insider information.”

Understanding our emotions is how we form authentic, meaningful relationships with ourselves and with others, said Sage Rubinstein, MA, LMHC, a Miami-based therapist specializing in the treatment of eating disorders, addiction and trauma.

Our emotions point to our underlying needs and wants, and meeting those needs and wants helps us to create fulfillment.

But if you’ve spent years dismissing your emotions, how can you really understand them? How can you identify them? How do you know if you’re angry or sad? How do you know where your sadness stems from? Where do you even start?

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