Saturday, 16 September 2017

Effects of social support and personality on emotional disclosure on Facebook and in real life

an article by Iryna Pentina (University of Toledo, Ohio, USA) and Lixuan Zhang (Weber State University,Ogden, Utah, USA) published in Behaviour & Information Technology Volume 36 Issue 5 (2017)


This paper focuses on the roles of personality and social support in affecting the extent of emotional disclosure in social media (SM) and compares them to those in face-to-face encounters.

Specifically, we consider the effects of the Big Five personality traits and perceptions of social support from friends, significant others, and family on the extent of sharing positive and negative emotions on Facebook (FB) vs. real life (RL).

The data are collected via an online survey of a broad demographic range of FB users. Our findings suggest that certain personality traits (extroversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness), as well as perceived social support from friends, are significantly related to the disclosure of positive emotions on FB.

We also report and discuss the differences between drivers of emotional disclosure in SM and RL, as well as offer suggestions for future research.

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