Thursday, 1 August 2019

For The Judgy Among Us: 6 Things That Happen Every Time You Judge Someone

a post by Guy Finley for the mbgmindfulness blog [via World of Psychology’s “Psychology Around the Net”]

It may seem there's something natural, even good about judgment. After all, just about every time our eyes alight on someone or something, we judge it as good or bad based on how it stacks up against our inner ideal of how things should be.

Why would she say something like that? He's so clueless. OMG: I look terrible today. The inner comments never stop, and they often come out in complaints we express to others. But we don't see them as complaints. To us they are intelligent observations of life around us.

But below are six things that really happen when you judge someone, as well as how to see through why you're doing it and how to stop.

Please note: Our intention here must not be to try to control this judging nature. We need only become aware of how we feel when we judge, so we actually taste what judgmental thoughts do to others and ourselves. The more we can taste these negative states, the greater grows our natural distaste of them.

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