Monday 13 May 2019

Skills Outlook 2019: How does the United Kingdom Compare?

via OECD

The Skills Outlook Scoreboard assesses the extent to which the United Kingdom is able to make the most of digitalisation. The United Kingdom’s performance is measured along 3 main dimensions:
  1. Skills for the digitalisation,
  2. Digital exposure and
  3. Skills-related policy effort.
The Scoreboard shows that while the share of young people lacking basic skills is relatively high, the share of older people with low skills is below the OECD average. British workers are using ICTs and performing non-routine tasks in their jobs quite intensively.

In the United Kingdom, according to OECD estimates, 13.7% of workers are in occupations at high risk of automation and would need moderate training efforts (up to 1 year) to transit to safer occupations with low or medium risk of automation.

An additional 2.6% would need important training (up to 3 years) to avoid the risk of automation.

Teachers in the United Kingdom are well prepared: more than 60% of them are top performers in problem solving in technology-rich environment and only 32% (the lowest value among OECD countries), report to be in need of training in ICT for teaching.

See the OECD website for options

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