Thursday 9 August 2018

Make the Difference You Want to Make by Expanding Your Network, Mindfully

a post by Lori Deschene for the Tiny Buddha blog

I used to hate the word “networking”. It evoked images of impersonal conversations and awkward business card exchanges, neither of which excite me. More importantly, I defined “networking” as meeting people with an agenda: to use them to further your goals.

But something’s shifted for me since I began working with a kindred spirit who’s been mentoring me as I write my first screenplay: seeking help isn’t using people. In fact, this is something we do with friends all the time. We share what we’re up to, elicit their support, and let them know we’re there for them as well. This is what it means to love.

“Networking,” when viewed through the lens of love, isn’t about getting things from other people. It’s also about giving. It’s about synergy. It’s about finding ways to benefit each other, so we can all live more meaningful lives and use our gifts to create things that can help the world at large.

And isn’t that what we all want? To invest our time and energy into things that matter to us, to feel we’re making a positive difference in the world, and to genuinely connect with other people in the process?

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