Wednesday 15 August 2018

How craft is good for our health

a post by Susan Luckman for the Big Think blog

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Image credit: rawpixel via unsplash

At a time when many of us feel overwhelmed by the 24/7 demands of the digital world, craft practices, alongside other activities such as colouring books for grown-ups and the up-surge of interest in cooking from scratch and productive home gardens, are being looked to as something of an antidote to the stresses and pressures of modern living.

Crafts such as knitting, crochet, weaving, ceramics, needlework and woodwork focus on repetitive actions and a skill level that can always be improved upon. According to the famous psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi this allows us to enter a “flow” state, a perfect immersive state of balance between skill and challenge.

With what is increasingly referred to today as “mindfulness” being a much-desired quality for many people, it’s not surprising crafts are being sought out for their mental and even physical benefits.

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The author mentions that most people tend to think of crafting as something done by women.
Unfortunately for those of you who come to meetups I organise I am a woman. The crafts I bring with me are, therefore, of a more gentle nature so no woodworking, bicycle repair or anything like that.
And nothing messy like painting or gluing because we meet in a public place.

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