Saturday 25 November 2017

Why Adults Need to Play More Often

a post by Derek Beres for the Big Think blog

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People take fitness seriously. Those ten thousand steps. Marathon over, time to tackle the ultra-marathon. Pounds upon pounds on the squat rack – just make sure to post it or it never happened. And yoga, well, people take their yoga very seriously.

Taking health seriously is wonderful, arguably better than not considering it at all. That said, one of the greatest joys of exercise is play. Your workout should be hard, otherwise you’ll plateau and never grow stronger. Yet this does not imply it can’t be fun.

Many sequences I create for my classes begin with me rolling around on the floor. In fact, that’s what inspired me to pursue fitness in the first place, a dance class in which crawling around was mandatory. It reminded me of my youngest years rolling down hills because, well, the hill was there. Only later do we justify what once was spontaneous and pleasurable.

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