Monday 20 November 2017

Recommendations for Reporting on Mental Health & Mental Illness

a post by John M. Grohol for the World of Psychology blog

Recommendations for Reporting on Mental Health & Mental Illness

Despite providing education online for mental illness and mental health issues for more than two decades, here at Psych Central we still see people – and sometimes even fellow journalists – reporting on mental health and mental illness in ways that perpetuate ignorance and misunderstandings. I’m sure that in many cases this is not intentional, but simply because the journalist didn’t know any better.

In celebration of mental health week (Oct 2 -8) this year, we’ve developed the following guidelines and recommendations for journalists on how to report and write more thoughtfully and respectfully about mental illness and mental health issues.

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I am probably as guilty as many others of slipping up and I do know better.

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