Tuesday 21 January 2020

Foundational stigma: Place‐based stigma in the age before advanced marginality

an article by Alice Butler‐Warke (Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK) published in The British Journal of Sociology Volume 71 Issue 1 (January 2020)


This paper joins the debate on the formation of territorial stigma by uncovering the existence of a form of “foundational stigma” that preceded place‐based stigma of the era of advanced marginality.

I show that not only were the traces of stigma present prior to the era of advanced marginality but that these early traces facilitate later forms of stigma by providing the necessary foundations upon which adhesive and detrimental stigma was operationalised.

Following a critical discourse analysis approach, this paper examines coverage in the British press of Toxteth, Liverpool between 1900 and 1981 as a paradigmatic case study to show that this primitive stigma existed in three key ways: relating to inter‐community strife, to crime, and to substandard housing conditions. These traces of stigma laid the foundations for later forms of stigma based on the presence of the poor, violent, deviant other that would be operationalised by dominant voices during the era of advanced marginality.

Liverpool, marginality, print_media, stigma, territorial_stigma, Toxteth,

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