Friday 31 January 2020

Engaging with and reflecting on the materiality of digital media technologies: Repair and fair production

an article by Sigrid Kannengießer (University of Bremen, Germany) published in New Media and Society Volume 22 Issue 1 (January 2020)


How do people think about and engage with the materiality of digital media technologies and thereby try to transform the devices and society?

The article discusses this question by presenting the results of two qualitative studies in which people reflect on and engage with the materiality of media technologies.

In the first case, the repairing of media devices in Repair Cafés was analysed, in the second, the focus was on the production and appropriation of the Fairphone, a smartphone which should be produced under fair working conditions.

In both initiatives people reflect on the materiality of media technologies, criticise the production and disposal of the devices, and engage with the materiality of the apparatuses in order to change not only the technologies but also society as a whole by contributing to sustainability and the “good life.” The article adds to the field dealing with materiality and digital media technologies.

Full text (PDF 17pp)

digital_media_technologies, engagement, fair_media_technologies, good_life, materiality, participation, repair, sustainability,

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