Friday 22 November 2019

Add These 8 Things to Your Morning Routine for a More Positive Day

a post by Samantha Benigno for [via World of Psychology]

Build a morning ritual that changes your life for the best.

Learning how to be happy and how to change your life requires a lot of positivity, and this can start by making necessary changes to your morning routine.

Even though not as easy as it sounds, building a morning discipline into your daily routine just might be the fastest way to improve performance in any area of your life, which will lead you to a path of happiness and positive thinking!

Most people’s morning routines include grabbing their cell phones to check e-mail, texts, social media, or news feeds before they even rouse out of bed in the morning.

The problem with doing this is that rather than deciding how you want to feel and then working hard to cultivate more of that feeling, you are allowing things totally outside of your control to determine how you will feel as you enter into your day.

Whether it’s an e-mail from your boss reminding you of a late report, a phone bill you neglected to pay, or a text message from an ex professing their undying love, by engaging with your phone first, you’ve just placed the fate of your day into the hands of chance!

Rather than letting a “bad” weather report or obnoxious news headline set off a bad mood that could potentially negatively impact the rest of your day — and life — try committing to a daily morning routine.

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Optimising your state of mind — your mood — as you begin the day is what we call “Winning the day!”

This means preparing your mind and body for all that lies ahead! By taking charge of your morning ritual, you hedge your bet by getting into an optimal state of mind and body from the start. And, it’s absolutely life-changing.

Here are 8 simple things to add to your morning routine to change your life for the better so you can be more positive.

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Before you tell me that this feels more than a bit patronising (with which I agree) do at least look at what is being suggested. Not all of them are, in my opinion, actually simple but if even one idea helps one person then it's been worth passing this on.

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