Tuesday 26 November 2019

7 Keys to Finding Balance in Complex Times

a post by John C. Panepinto for the World of Psychology blog

We live in a complex, fast-paced, and ever-changing time, and one aspect of daily life that seems elusive is a sense of balance. Often when people talk of happiness, they are really speaking of the by-product of living in a balanced and meaningful way. Yet many forces, some internal and others external, push and pull in the moment or over the course of the day or week, enough so that we find ourselves off centre. Too much time spent in this mode wears us out and invites a feeling of being out of sync and trying to catch up or catch our breath.

Complexity challenges us to change for an important reason: simplicity. The process is one of transformation (not just addition) and we become more able and complex individuals, better able to integrate into the ongoing demands of each of our roles. Less really is more. But only if we find the power and perspective afforded by a sense of balance.

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