Tuesday 29 October 2019

That Destructive Not So Little Inner Voice

a post by Kurt Smith for the World of Psychology blog

No, you’re not hearing things — that voice telling you you’re not good enough, you should do more, or that no one likes you is usually coming from inside your own head. Too often our biggest critics are ourselves and that nagging inner voice can create a great deal of worry, self-doubt and trouble in a person’s life.

Although not a real voice, these persistent feelings of inadequacy and self criticism can be deafening and too often keep us from pursuing our dreams or achieving our goals. They can make us feel helpless and as though there is no possibility of living up to our own self-imposed standards, or what we think others expect. This can become a vicious cycle of mental gyrations — you should be this, you aren’t good enough, you can’t, etc.

Although we all occasionally deal with this critical inner dialogue, for some it becomes a regular battle. For these people the repercussions can have a huge impact on their life and happiness, often leading to problems with depression and anxiety.

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