Monday 10 June 2019

Change or stability in the structure of interest group networks? Evidence from Scottish Public Policy Consultations

an article by Robert Ackland and Darren R. Halpin (Australian National University, Canberra, Australia) published in Journal of Public Policy Volume 39 Issue 2 (June 2019)


Scholars have hotly debated the structure of group engagement in policymaking. Two aspects of this conversation are examined here.

First, some claim that the “explosion” of organised interests brings with it increasing fragmentation but also policy “balkanisation”. Others suggest increasing fragmentation, but with overlap between subsectors.

A second area of this debate concerns the existence and number of “central” or “core” groups.

Although existing studies show that, in aggregate, there is no more policy specialisation among United Kingdom organised interests, we do not know whether this means that there are fewer or more central groups.

In this article, we utilise public policy consultations in Scotland over a continuous 25-year period, and the tools of network analysis, to examine the above propositions.

We find that the expanding system of policy consultation is not associated with more balkanisation or with a decline of central policy actors that span policy communities.

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