Friday 7 June 2019

5-Minute Activities to Help You Feel Calmer and More Fulfilled

a post by Margarita Tartakovsky for the World of Psychology blog

Sometimes, in order to feel calmer and more fulfilled, we need to make significant, sweeping changes. We need to change jobs or end a toxic relationship. Sometimes, we need to turn to professional support. We need to go to therapy to confront the heavy grief we’ve been avoiding, or work with an ADHD coach to accomplish a professional dream.

But often small activities are important, too. Because often it doesn’t take much to boost our mood, diminish our stress levels, and spark our satisfaction. The great thing about small activities is that we can easily incorporate them into our already full lives. We can practice these exercises at the office, while running errands, and while being with our kids (and get them involved too).

In the new book 5-Minute Bliss: A More Joyful, Connected, and Fulfilled You in Just 5 Minutes a Day, author and researcher Courtney E. Ackerman shares over 200 simple activities we can do throughout the day. Below are seven 5-minute activities you can try—from practicing visualization techniques to being optimistic to using your imagination.

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