Monday 18 June 2018

5 Breathing Exercises for Anxiety (Simple and Calm Anxiety Quickly)

a post by Chris Skoyles for the Lifehack blog

Time and time again, we’re told what a powerful tool breathing exercises can be for reducing anxiety and more specifically, the physical effects anxiety has on our body.

Yet how often have you gone hunting to find suitable breathing exercises for anxiety only to bump into a string of complex yoga jargon and techniques that take so long to master that they’re just not fit for purpose?

After all, when you’re in the grip of crippling anxiety or, worse, a full-blown panic attack, you simply don’t have the time to assume the lotus position and start worrying pranayama, whatever that is.

What you need is quick, simple solutions you can apply right there on the spot to relax your breathing and return to feeling calm and in control within seconds.

Today, we’ll look at five of the best breathing techniques for doing just that, ranging from powerful techniques you can use to curtail anxiety before it escalates, to quick-fixes you can use in an emergency whenever a panic attack strikes.

Continue reading

Please remember one thing about any breathing exercise.
Never, ever, wait to come to grips with whichever one you prefer to use. Train yourself, practice and then practice some more when you are calm.

Secondly, nothing works for everybody!

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