Monday, 12 December 2011

The developmental roots of social responsibility in childhood and adolescence

an article by Laura Wray-Lake (Claremont Graduate University) and Amy K. Syvertsen (Search Institute) published in New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development Special Issue: Youth Civic Development: Work at the Cutting Edge, Volume 2011 Issue 134(Winter 2011)


Social responsibility is a value orientation, rooted in democratic relationships with others and moral principles of care and justice, that motivates certain civic actions. Given its relevance for building stronger relationships and communities, the development of social responsibility within individuals should be a more concerted focus for developmental scholars and youth practitioners. During childhood and adolescence, the developmental roots of individuals' social responsibility lie in the growth of executive function, empathy and emotion regulation, and identity. Efforts to cultivate children and adolescents' social responsibility in the proximal settings of their everyday lives should emphasize modeling prosocial behaviors, communicating concerns for others, and creating opportunities to practice civic skills.

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