Wednesday 5 March 2008

10 interesting stories I came across

6 out of 10 -- that is 6 links to stories featured on Arts & Letters Daily and only 4 others. Such is the choice when I don't get far enough down my alphabeticl list to get to Intelligent Life or Three Quarks Daily. Too much about the possible pronouncements from the Chancellor for inclusion, or not as the case might be, on ADSET's business info blog.

My Mind is Purple
Of all the mind types, yours is the most idealistic. You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense.Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself.
Thanks to Jason Holden for introducing me to this very silly analysis.
What Color Is Your Mind?

The European Commission has relaunched its "Debate Europe" where you can join in debates on a large number of subjects. Try for yourself.

Procrastination Self-Test
Find out why you procrastinate and how serious the situation really is.
I'll do it -- when I get around to it!

The economics of bribery
Assassination works when you're trying to get rid of a tyrant It is a less successful as a way to influence democracies
via Arts & Letters Daily 26 February

Numbers Guy
We're made for math, but only up to a point. Our sense of what a number is stands independent of language, memory, and even reason.
via Arts & Letters Daily 27 February

The campus rape myth
It's a lonely job, working the phones at a college rape crisis center. So is the crisis overblown? No. It just means more funding is needed to study rape.
via Arts & Letters Daily 28 February

The charms of Wikipedia
Not only does Wikipedia need its vandals, the vandals need an orderly Wikipedia, too. Without order, their culture-jamming lacks a context.
via Arts & Letters Daily 2 March

The spirits behind the writers
Intoxication, if not the source of literary creation, at least warms the mind and casts the glare of life in a softer hue. No wonder writers love the bottle.
via Arts & Letters Daily 2 March

Encyclopedia of Life launches, publishes articles under CC licenses
from Creative Commons » CC News by Timothy Vollmer
The Encyclopedia of Life, an ambitious project to document all of Earth’s known species, has released its first 30,000 pages of content. Over the next 10 years, the project aims to aggregate, in one place, information on an estimated 1.8 million species.

Who was it who said women aren't funny?
Chances are it was a man - and these days the joke is on him.
Arts & Letters Daily 5 March

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