Monday, 16 January 2012

10 Skills All Students Need in Any Job Market

Molly Mitchell, writing on Big Think, says: “Every few years sees the job market changing and the educational market change along with it. As the new hot career comes up, there is always a degree or program to go with it. But did you know that there are essential skills that every student, graduate, and job candidate needs to have to give him or her the best chance at landing a job? Below, we have gathered a list of just ten of the must-haves every college student should be thinking about during their studies.”

The list (see here for a short description of the item):
  1. Job experience
  2. Relevant experience
  3. Writing
  4. Verbal communications
  5. Public speaking
  6. Technology
  7. Finance
  8. Criticism
  9. Networking
  10. Research
Just ten things you need to do/get. Say it quickly and it might not seem too bad!

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