Friday, 20 July 2007

I'm just going on a blogging holiday

Actually, I'm just back from a self-imposed break in writing in this blog but I couldn't resist the title.

The break from writing wasn't intentional, honest. I am finding that it is very easy to read through the 200+ (actually nearer 300) feeds in my reader and:
  1. note those that I want to write about by copying the link to a new post and saving as a draft (which you don't get to see) either here or in the Business Information Blog;
  2. click the appropriate button if I want to share something I've read without writing about it -- this takes a second and requires little effort on my part (lazy cow that I am);
  3. email the link to
    - Dawn (Taylor) for inclusion in Members' Update,
    - my husband Martin who does all the IT maintenance work around here (just so he doesn't miss out on anything to do with data security although he has quite a lot of technical "stuff" in his own reader), or, maybe,
    - friends so that I share a particularly relevant "funny", book review or gadget; or
    - myself so that I can add something to my "how to" file; or
  4. read and discard -- further action not required.

So, I've got things that are appropriate for writing about, either in draft from my reader or because I've been to an event and need to tell you about it, and the list is getting longer not shorter. A kick up the pants is what my mother would tell me was needed but since she is now long gone I have to try to kick myself -- or rather, in the language of today, provide self-motivation! Any ideas on how to do that would be good!

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