Saturday 6 June 2020

Urban growth strategies in rural regions: building The North Wales Growth Deal

an article by David Beel (Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, UK), Martin Jones (Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, UK) and Alex Plows (Bangor University, UK) published in Regional Studies Volume 54 Issue 5 (May 2020)


This paper discusses the creation of a growth deal for North Wales (The North Wales Growth Deal – NWGD). North Wales is primarily a rural region within the UK, without a core-city or large metropolitan centre.

The paper examines how this urban dynamic, fostered around a pushing of the agglomerative growth model out of the city-region, is being transferred largely across rural space and place in terms of how growth is envisioned and how policy is implemented. It contributes to regional studies knowledge by raising the importance of the non-metropolitan city-regional alternatives in the context of the (academic and policy) city-regional debate.

JEL Classification: G38

Full text (PDF 14pp)

economic_governance, devolution, Wales,

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