Thursday 21 April 2011

Adults Learning: a NIACE publication

I'm beginning to wonder whether it is worth my time continuing to read this publication.

OK, I'll probably do so for auld lang syne or something but …

you can read the contents list for yourself at and if you are sufficiently interested then you will subscribe, or persuade your library/learning centre to do so.

What I prefer to draw your attention to in this blog is those articles published in journals and other sources in which you thought you had no interest, or which contain so little of interest that you don’t want to plough through three pages of abstracts to find the one which attracts you, try to find the article to see whether it is really appropriate – and so on and so forth!

One of ADSET’s early straplines was “we do the reading so that you don’t have to” and it still stands. And yes, last year I did not maintain a particularly impressive record in that regard but I&rsqu0;m through the worst of the depression now, know how to recognise if I start to slip and can take remedial action. It is really true that it is not until you have crossed the Slough of Despond that you truly appreciate where you were. Isn’t hindsight a wonderful thing?

Oops! Blogger’s spell checker not working. I don’t think I’ve let any gaffes get through but you never know!

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